Sometimes getting back into serious studio work requires serious play. Focus is great but all work and no play, not only makes me dull but my art as well. How do I know when that happens? Good question.
The biggest clue for me is SAS or Studio Avoidance Syndrome. Ok, silly, I know but I've noticed it's a pattern for me. When I push myself and my art to work harder and better and faster, I also find myself getting busy with too much busy work on the computer. That makes me very crabby.
Time for serious play. So, this week, after writing long hand with a pen in my journal, I decided to doodle. I got out this wonderful pastel paper that was given to me a year ago (it's very expensive, so, therefore, precious but I got it for free), and decide to make a mess of it.
I painted all over the paper with washes of acrylic paints in cerulean blue, cobalt blue, warm and cool reds. Then I added drips of pink ink.
After it dried, I got out my old pastels and scribbled. I haven't used any of these pastels in over a decade. I dabbed on light blue clouds. Then I scribbled all over that too. Smooshed over the scribbles and called it done. Fun.
Dribbling and scribbling, it's not great art. And that's the point, really. I finished with hands covered in pastel colors and a smile on my face. Just what I needed...not serious art but some serious fun!
Playing is also one of my favorite ways to break up what I call a 'creative log jam'...
'creative log jam' that phrase...question is not why it happens, it just does, but how to get that flow going again. Isn't it interesting that serious log jams, need some not so serious play?
too true! I've found when you're doing what you love, there's sometimes no place to rest. Play is where we began, and if we're smart, it's where we can begin again.
Thanks for the reminder of the importance of play! When I start having doubts and freezing up, I try to remember to just let myself play and not worry about the result. Love the term "SAS". Your art turned out beautiful!
Thanks, Goldenbird/Stacy!
I'm glad my reminder helped you, too.
SAS is sometimes a very difficult thing to overcome...all your input here, helps! Thanks everyone!
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