Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Making and Baking


Today, I got to do two things I really love to do. Make a blueberry peach crisp and bake some clay. With the weather cloudy and cool with a slight breeze, it’s a perfect day to do both. Just the smell of the peaches and blueberries in the oven makes me smile. 

And it gives me something to create while I kiln sit. 

Firing clay. 

I realized today it’s been almost 6 months since I’ve fired up the kiln. It seems like a long time but when you’re working with clay, patience is a key element. Pushing or rushing clay means cracks and broken pieces. I’ll admit I’m not the most patient person in the world but waiting has its rewards with clay. 

Loading the kiln is always a puzzle to solve. Since I make such different pieces, fitting them into the kiln takes a while to figure out. But again, it’s worth it in the end. 

Peachy goodness. 

I love the delicious bounty of peaches and blueberries in the summer. Last weekend, my husband and I made the trek to the local Farmer’s market to buy peaches from our favorite local farm. And while they were not ripe yet, I knew in a few days they would be perfect for baking. 

I’m one of those bakers who never makes a recipe exactly the same each time. This time I used old fashioned rolled oats, not instant and added a little orange juice. I like to experiment with texture and flavors like I experiment with clay. But not at the same time, of course. 

Making and baking

New clay creations firing 

Fresh peaches and blueberries cooking

Adding color to new creatures

All creating delicious fun

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