Wednesday, March 5, 2025

No, Mr. Trump, You Can’t Have My Cookies

Once upon a time, I went to a small Catholic school where the nuns ruled. We wore uniforms and went to church before school. The nuns were very strict. If you did something against the rules, you were punished. On Fridays, the kid who got in trouble the most that week was spanked in the office with the intercom on so the whole school could hear the punishment. 

There was no cafeteria. We all ate at our desks in our classrooms. The nun would leave to get her lunch while an older boy sat at the nun’s desk eating his lunch. His job was to make sure we were quiet and stayed in our seats. 

As we all know, power corrupts. 

Even a young boy can let power go to his head. Our 8th grade lunch ‘monitor’ would walk up and down the rows of desks looking over everyone’s lunches. Was he looking out for us to make sure we all had enough food to eat? No. 

He was looking to see who had the best dessert. He was especially fond of chocolate cookies. I only got 1 or 2 small cookies in my lunches. It was either Fig Newtons or Oreos and I looked forward to that small treat everyday. 

Give me your cookies or else. 

If he liked someone’s lunch treat, he would take it. If you got upset, he’d threaten to tell the nun you misbehaved during lunch. Then the nun would send you to the coat closet while everyone else went out to recess. 

I usually hid my cookies under my sandwich, but this particular day, I forgot. I didn’t think he’d see them, but he did. He stopped and demanded I give him my cookies. 

I said, “No, you can’t have my cookies.” He said, “Fine, I’ll just tell Sister you were bad.” I said, “Go ahead. You still can’t have my cookies.” 

When the lunch bell rang and the nun came in, he told her I had misbehaved. She nodded and he left. I figured I’d have to spend recess in the dark coat closet. But when the nun came over to me, I got brave and told the truth. I told her that he wanted the cookies from my lunch and I when I said no, he threatened to tell her I’d been bad. 

She asked if he’d done that to anyone else and I nodded. She looked around and almost everyone nodded. She told me and rest of the class to go on out to recess. We never had that boy as our lunch monitor again. And guess who got spanked that Friday. 

Now we all have to deal with a bully. 

He doesn’t want your chocolate cookies, he wants your money. He wants the money you saved away from every paycheck for your entire life. He wants your social security money. 

He’s very rich, so why does he want our money? Power. And as we all know, power corrupts. 

What do we do? We stand up to the bully. 

No, Mr. Trump. It’s my social security. 

And No, you can’t have any of my cookies either. 

Friday, February 28, 2025

Sometimes it’s the little things that really matter.


Frankly, I don’t know what to write today. I want to say something uplifting, helpful and reassuring. But, I’m afraid, it’s just not there for me and maybe, not for you either. What’s going on around us is beyond words. And yet, words are more important now than ever. 

We have to stick together and one of the ways to do that is with words and acts of love and appreciation and caring. It doesn’t have to be grand, in fact, the smaller the better.

Little acts of love. 

During my illness and recovery period, I crocheted. I made hats with fuzzy yarn and smooth yarn. Small hats and medium hats and large hats. All different colors. I gave them out to my children and grandchildren but after a while I had made more hats than they could use. So I looked around for a place where hats and scarves were needed. 

This week, I was able to bring my hats and scarves to a center for women and children in my own neighborhood that I didn’t even know was there. I was greeted with excitement and told that one hat would fit one of their babies right away. It brought happy tears to my eyes to know that my little white hat was going to keep a little one warm. 

Little signs of life. 

On my daily walks through the neighborhood, I look for signs of spring. It’s still pretty cold here but this week, I saw this old, old tree. I stopped. This old tree has bark missing and limbs broken. It’s shorter than I am and I’m short. But even with all of these wounds and breaks, it is blooming.

This week, this tree is sign of life proving that even broken things can bloom again.  

Little creative acts. 

One of my favorite birds is the crow. They are powerful birds who live together and take care of each other. They build nests in our huge cedar tree, break the ice and drink from our patio cover and call out to each other and chat throughout the day. 

With everything that’s going on, I didn’t feel like creating. But the crows insisted, I think. Because one day, I took out my pen, paper and watercolors and next thing I knew, a crow had landed on my studio table. 

Yes. Little acts of love and signs of life and crows are the things that really matter. 

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Don’t let it get you down.


I just want you to know, I get it. I’m just as angry and tired and sad about the election and the behavior of the stupid, newly elected being in the big White House. Notice I am not naming names or titles because this person, these people don’t deserve that kind of honor. Because they are not honorable. They are thieves. Plain and simple. 

But don’t let them take you down with them.

Because that’s what they want. They want you to be tired, scared and stressed and give in. They want you to be angry. They feed off of it. 

So don’t. 

Don’t give them your anger to fuel their hate. 

Don’t give them your fear to fuel their aggression. 

Don’t give them your energy. It fuels them and fills their pocket books. 

And I believe, they will not last. 

Give love and comfort. 


In the meantime, what can you or I do to make our lives better? One thing we can all do right away in our own homes and lives to transform our anger into love. 

What do you love to do? Do it. I’m thinking of Martha Beck’s idea of making a Sanity Quilt. Quite simply, it’s finding small, easy things in your life that you love to do and doing it. I know, it sounds simple but it works. 

So do it.  

Do your walk in the woods to fuel your sense of wonder. 

Pet your dog.  

Hug your spouse. 

Kiss your grandbaby to give and receive love. 

Doodle with colorful markers. 

Take a beautiful photo to share to fuel your creativity.  

Write in your journal. 

Write a positive post on social media to share good thoughts. 

Be kind to your elected officials and their interns who are on your side. 

Help others and help yourself. 

What can you do that helps make life better? 

It doesn’t have to be big.

Monday, February 3, 2025

Thrive Anyway

The past few weeks have been crazy. And I’m convinced that is the intention of this new situation we have with our government. You’ll notice I’m not naming names, political parties or internet barons. Why? Because, names have power and I’m not giving it to them. I know, it’s a shit show. But I’ve decided not waddle into it with them. I believe that’s what they want me/us to do.   

I resist. And I’ve found my own way to fight and some needed inspiration from this poem by Loren Brantz.

“In a time of hate

Love is an act of resistance

In a time of fear

Faith is an act of resistance 

In a time of misinformation

Education is an act of resistance 

In a time of poor leadership

Community is an act of resistance

In a time like this

Joy is an act of resistance

Resist. Resist. Resist.”

  • Loryn Brantz


I’m going to send out love into the world as much as I can. I’m helping my family stay healthy and calm with words of support. I’m taking care of my grandsons and granddaughter by giving them a safe, loving place to have fun. 


I’m going to send out faith instead of fear.  We are strong.  Each of us is powerful in our own hearts and our own lives. We will get through and beyond all of this because we believe not just in our rights but also the rights of others. 


I’m going to help educate myself and others by seeking and sending out facts and good information. Here’s a link to a Substack podcast written by an experienced broadcast journalist.


I’m sending appreciation out into the world as much as I can. I’m there to help my neighbors and friends. I’m making and donating crochet hats and scarves to keep people warm. I’m thanking the park workers who clean the bathrooms and trim the trees to keep the park beautiful. I’m wishing every walker I pass by a ‘good morning’ and a smile. 


I’m going to continue to create whenever and wherever I can. I will not let fear stop me. I will continue to paint and sculpt and crochet. I will share it with anyone who wants and needs to create joy in their life too. 

This is my resistance. What’s yours?

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Finding Light in the Dark


Yesterday was a hard day for me, for many of us. I refused to watch or engage in the travesty and dishonesty embodied in Washington. I worked hard for many years personally and professionally to bring rights to all people regardless of their gender. Those of you who also worked hard, I know you understand. 

I had to do what I needed to thrive through it all: comfort and creativity.  


I love to bake. It’s not just cooking but a creative act, because I do love experimenting with recipes. It’s also calming and comforting. Mixing the sugar and butter and spices in just the right proportions keeps my mind focused in the moment. And my hands moving helps my body settle.

Pumpkin bread hit the spot. It’s cold outside and the smells of cinnamon and nutmeg are warming and uplifting. It reminds me of my Gram’s home where I always felt safe and loved. She passed on the baking bug to me and I am forever grateful. 


In the last year, my studio has not been a hive of activity as usual. Recovery from major surgery has kept my studio out of my reach for months. While I healed, I found a few creative things I could do, crochet and watercolors to keep my spirits up and my body moving. 

So yesterday, I played with watercolors. Brushing the water onto the paper and watching the flow of colors is always fun. And leaving the studio to let it dry, then adding more color, kept me moving in a good way all day. 

At night, I sat watching a favorite TV show while crocheting another hat and ear warmer headband. I’ve made dozens of hats, scarves, ear warmers and blankets for my whole family. 

And I think they’ve got enough so why make more? It helps to keep my hands moving and my mind occupied with the calming motion of crochet.  

I know I can’t change the situation in Washington in the next four years. So I’m trying to do what I can to help myself and my family. What are you doing to help yourself feel better? And btw, anyone need a hat?