It starts out as a good day at the wheel. The clay centers, the walls go up and out and
a piece emerges. The bowl, plate or mug
looks good. No obvious warping or
wobbling. I sigh with satisfaction and
carry the bats in to dry in the studio covered in plastic.
A day or two passes as the clay pieces dry to leather hard
and ready for handles or trimming.
That’s when good can go bad quickly.
I find a bubble in the bottom when I’m trimming and instead of a nice
even bottom, there’s a chink. Pulling
the handle goes well, but attaching it turns into a wrestling match. And, of course, just as I’m about to get it
all set, the dogs need to go out. I
finally get all the handles and leaves on.
But the next day, find multiple cracks and I know I have to start
“Know when to hold ‘em and when to fold ‘em.” The poker saying applies to clay and
I’ve had handles and hands and heads and feet all fall
off. Only to decide that it’s going go
back on no matter what. Then I get out
my slip and vinegar and start patching and pasting away. Again.
And again. And again. Most of the time, I get it all to work, all
the way through to final glazing.
Sometimes, it works for the bisque process and falls apart in the
One thing I know for sure, crack ups happen. Could
be me, the clay, the weather, the kiln.
The reason doesn’t really matter.
What matters is how to handle it.
There’s stubborn determination and there’s trusting your
gut. Which do you choose?
Good question.
One I’m always asking myself. Maybe one day, I’ll know the answer.
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