Monday, April 30, 2012

Homemade Mexican meal in homemade ceramic casserole.

I confess. I am not experienced at cooking Mexican recipes. Luckily for me, a friend loaned me her Sunset Mexican Cookbook. It’s packed with wonderful, authentic and creative recipes. I’d like to say that I’ve been following the recipes exactly but that's not the way I cook. I use recipes for inspiration and ideas, then look around for what I have on hand.

I had leftover beef and pork. Flour tortillas. Salsa and some leftover roasted red pepper soup. Sour cream. Green Onions. Cheese. What to do? Looking through Sunset’s cookbook for ideas, I stumbled on the chapter about Enchiladas. Most are made with mole sauce. Since I didn’t have that, I got creative.

Here’s the recipe(as far as I can remember) baked up in one of my own hand built ceramic bakers.

Creative Enchiladas
1 cup left over roast beef cut up
1 cup left over pork loin roast cut up
½ onion chopped
1 cup grated cheddar cheese
Saute the above in a non-stick fry pan with a little olive oil.
In a sauce pan, heat up ½ carton Roasted red pepper soup and ½ jar salsa. Dip the tortillas in the sauce, fill with filling and some cheese, roll them up and place side by side in the casserole. Cover with more sauce and cheese. Bake at 350 for 20-30 minutes until the cheese in melted and bubbly.
Serve with dollop of sour cream and chopped green onions.

It might now be authentic, but it was yummy! Even my husband, a big fan of mexican food, said it was very good!

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